Kære Dagbog #5

søndag den 26. maj 2013

Jeg tager afsted til Irland for første gang nogensinde på tirsdag, så der bliver nok ikke nogen blogging fra min side af indtil da, og da jeg har fået en tidskrævende opgave kastet efter mig har jeg ikke haft tid til at skrive noget klogt og smide det i auto-upload. Tusind gange undskyld. Til gengæld tager jeg mit kamera med, så I kan satse på en milliard pæne billeder af Dublin når jeg vender snuden hjemad! I mellemtiden kan I følge mig på Instagram og Bloglovin'. Desuden fandt jeg en enormt god (og vigtig) huskeliste på tumblr, som jeg føler for at dele med alle jer én der læser med.
Det kan godt være jeg ikke ér til Cannes-festival, men derfor kan jeg jo godt klæde mig på til lejligheden alligevel!

Things I want to tell people, that I wish people had told me:

  • You don’t have to achieve great things by the time you’re 25
  • You have intrinsic value above and beyond your perceived utility to other people and society at large. 
  • You don’t have to have sex, or have sex in any way that you find uncomfortable or unpleasant, to keep anyone’s love or good opinion of you. They didn’t love you or think very well of you to start with if they demand it. 
  • You don’t have to stay with someone who isn’t meeting your emotional or sexual needs because they need you, or you’ve been with them for awhile, or you need to be in a relationship. You need you. Your time is your own and it is finite. 
  • It’s ok to work at a job you enjoy that doesn’t make you miserable even if it’s not a career and it won’t “lead to anything.” 
  • Your life is not a narrative. It is not leading to anything, there is no overarching thesis, it does not have themes beyond the usual shared cultural experiences of your time and place. This is ok. It does not mean that your life is without purpose or meaning. 
  • It’s ok not to like or get along with the vast majority of people you encounter, so long as you afford them the same respect, courtesy and dignity that they afford you. 
  • Expensive is not always better. 
  • Failure is temporary if you’re still alive. 
  • People are both much better and much worse than you’d suspect, but usually not all at once. 
  • Stop thinking of your future self as a different person and it will be easier to prevent money and health problems. 
  • Let people help you, lean on them when you need to, and be available to help, but don’t swing too far in either direction. Try to carry your half of the life basket as evenly as you can. 
  • Set boundaries, and do not be afraid to kick people out of your life who disregard them. You will not end up alone and unloved. People who love you will be ok with your boundaries. 
  • Your power does not come from money or beauty, but from seeing life steadily and wholly, from a curious and thoughtful mind, and from your ability to say no when you want to, and yes when you want to, and I don’t know when you don’t know. 
  • There will be bad times, maybe lots of bad times, but not only bad times. 
  • Love will not heal the wounds in your soul, but love can give you the impetus to begin the work of healing yourself. 
  • Life might be a long series of starting over, and that’s alright. 
  • You’re really cool, you’re really beautiful, you’re really special. Really. Not to everyone, but to a lot of someones sometimes. 

Det var alt hvad jeg havde for nu, men jeg vender stærkt tilbage med irsk accent og masser af Guinness i maven på lørdag. Kan I have det pragtfuldt indtil da!


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